Kevin James Randall Jones, 22
Where are you from?
I am from Garden River First Nation. I reserve in Ontario, Canada
Where do you live now?
I still live in Garden River

Kevin's eye impairment journey
Tell me about yourself.
My traditional name is Oshke ayaabe (young buck). I was given that name when I was about 14 years old. I grew up in Garden River and I had a really good time growing up there. I grew up poor, but somehow, my single mother was always able to put food on the table, which I am grateful for. I’ll always be grateful for my mom I love her so much, I am a momma’s boy. I started playing hockey when I was 11 and I still play. I grew up playing sports and my mom would always be too nervous to watch my games but that’s okay I always had fun. I played football, basketball, and baseball. Hockey is my favorite sport. My goal is to get back into college and actually graduate. I completed one semester in fitness and health and then I withdrew because of mental health issues.

Kevin's Visual Impairment Journey
What’s your EYE story?
Since birth, I was only able to see out of one eye although I have a second eye it didn’t form or grow. I forget what type of vision it’s called, my Ocularist told me but I just forget. I wasn’t hit or poked in the eye I just got dealt this type of hand. When I was 7 I got my first prosthetic but I didn’t like it because it was too painful. I tried again when I was 17 but lost that one. I most recently got a glass eye last year that I still use.
What has been the most challenging thing mentally?
Being around people or being in public. I always think that people think of me differently because of my eye which is actually okay I understand but the thought really sucks.

What has been the most challenging thing physically?
Nothing really I feel like I can do just as much compared to a person who has two eyes. But my depth perception isn’t that great.
Where are you now in your recovery?
I don’t have a recovery story because it’s just the way I have always been.